We Invite YOU To Our Affiliate Program!
Get paid to promote Duke Ferguson's online programs that provide dog trainers, aspiring dog trainers and pet owners with the education and skills required to maintain happy, healthy relationships between man and man's best friend!
How It Works

Grab Your Marketing
Material and Begin Promoting
We are here to help you! Come back to this page to download the Unleashed Potential logo, brand graphics, tweets, pre-written email copy and other promotional material. Feel free to modify as you need...and don't forget to add your affiliate link!
The Details
Commission percentages and expectations are as follows:
You will be paid 50% of every sale, unless you have made prior arrangements with Duke Ferguson.
Frequency of payout = Monthly
Method of payment = PayPal (you must provide a PayPal email address)
We use Kajabi to host our online courses, offers, email list and affiliates. Their affiliate system uses cookies that expire after 30 days.. So we encourage you to quarterly promotions!
When you sign up to become an Affiliate of Unleashed Potential, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms.
It is IMPORTANT that every Unleashed Potential affiliate adhere to the HIGHEST POSSIBLE STANDARDS of Ethical and Legal Conduct when promoting our products and programs,
Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission has recently more clearly defined best practices for affiliate marketers, and it is our position that all Unleashed Potential affiliates must use these guidelines and regulations as Standard Operating Procedure during their endorsement or promotion.
Step 1 – Download and Review the FTC Document for Endorsement Guidelines: http://ftc.gov/os/2009/10/091005revisedendorsementguides.pdf
Step 2 – In addition to the FTC Guidelines, please observe the following Best Practices:
When you promote any Unleashed Potential product or program, make sure you:
Include your Affiliate Disclaimers and Disclosures. The bottom line is, if you make a sale via an affiliate link, it’s because you’re getting paid to do so. Be honest about that. Include these disclaimers during email or advertising promotions.
Include your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service on all websites where you are promoting our products and programs
Do not send UNQUALIFIED TRAFFIC to our content
DO NOT SPAM on social media sites
Don’t misrepresent yourself as a “typical result” or as a “typical customer” when you promote our offers.
Be open, honest, transparent and authentic. Represent our brand with integrity.