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A Healthy Evening Snack for Your Dogs: The Everlasting Treat Wheeler

dog health dog nutrition dog supplements dog training duke ferguson healthy dog snacks raw feeding starmark everlasting treat wheeler training tips unleashed potential Aug 01, 2024

I want to share a simple, nutritious, and engaging evening snack idea for your dogs to chew on.. Not too often do you catch me in the kitchen, but this little recipe is something I prepare for my own dogs and clients dogs who come and live with me for life trainingskills, obedience and socialization. The key component here is the Starmark Everlasting Treat Wheeler, a fantastic toy that keeps dogs busy and satisfied.

Ingredients and Preparation

First off, let's talk about the ingredients. I primarily use raw food, rotating proteins like beef, mackerel, chicken, beaver, and duck.. Today, we're using beef patties. This meal not only serves as a treat but can also be part of their daily nutrition and jack pot after a training session or chew toy on place or in kennel. 

  1. Beef Patties: Start with a couple of beef patties. If you're feeding raw and doing a lot of training throughout the day, this is a great way to end the day with a nutritious snack.
  2. Vegetables: I like to add a small amount of vegetables for extra nutrients. Today, I’m using Brussels sprouts. Mash them into the beef mixture to ensure a balanced diet.
  3. Hurraw Freeze-Dried Dog Food: I blend raw food with Hurraw freeze-dried dog food, specifically the fish variety, for added variety and nutrition. Mix a bit into the beef and vegetable blend.
  4. Supplements: To enhance the health benefits, I incorporate supplements. X Dog's True Beast in Show multivitamin is one of my favorites. For larger dogs, add two vitamins to the mixture. Break them up and mix thoroughly.
  5. Caloric Boost: Since our dogs are active, I include products like True Satin Ball for extra calories. A scoop of this along with Formula Mass (protein and fats) ensures they get the energy they need.
  6. Joint Health: Depending on the dog, I sometimes add a joint supplement like Flex K9 for healthy joints.

Mixing and Stuffing

Once all ingredients are prepared, mix them thoroughly. You can use rubber gloves or a spoon for this process. This mushy, nutrient-rich mixture is ready to be stuffed into the Starmark Everlasting Treat Wheeler. This toy isn't just durable; it also has rings inside where you can place additional treats if desired. However, the nutritious mixture we're preparing today is healthier and keeps the dogs engaged for a longer time.

Freezing for Long-Lasting Enjoyment

After stuffing the mixture into the treat wheelers, place them in the freezer. Freezing them makes the treat last longer and adds an extra challenge for the dogs. It’s a great way to keep them occupied in their kennels at the end of the day.

The Benefits

Using the Everlasting Treat Wheeler and this nutritious mixture has multiple benefits:

  • Mental Stimulation: The challenge of getting the frozen mixture out keeps their minds engaged.
  • Physical Health: The balanced ingredients provide essential nutrients and maintain their overall health including teeth and gums
  • Training Aid: This treat can serve as a jackpot reward after a day of training, encouraging positive behavior.

Serving the Treat

Once frozen solid, the treat becomes a hard chew delight for the dogs. Depending on their chewing strength, it can last anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour. This treat is particularly beneficial for dogs that might be reluctant to go into their kennels, as the promise of a tasty, engaging snack can make them look forward to kennel time. Its great for puppies teething and more. It can be messyas it thaws  depending on what you use. Keep it frozen if in a rare case your dog leaves it, pick it up and place back in the freezer. 

Final Thoughts

Incorporating the Starmark Everlasting Treat Wheeler into your dog's routine is a fantastic way to end their day or training session with a nutritious and engaging snack. If you feed raw, this method provides a fun and beneficial way for your dogs to enjoy their meals instead of just gulping it down. 

For more training tips and advice, check out my free dog training video series available on my website.  You can sign up to receive a video each day for six days, giving you a solid foundation on the science and nature of how I train dogs. For more personalized coaching and training options, visit or Let's make your dog's training journey healthy, happy, and rewarding!